Last Updated 12 January, 2024

Rowan Questions

  Counselling or Coaching?

Talking Therapies

Life can present many issues and challenges, at home and at work, when the help of a trained professional is needed.

The talking therapies, namely counselling and psychotherapy, provide an experience of supported reflection and challenge, aiding you to find more meaningful and helpful ways to approach situations, people and relationships.

You may feel that you have difficulties around issues of change and transition, loss and bereavement, or in your relationship with others or yourself. You may find that you approach things in unhelpful and frustrating ways, and you would like to work out why this is, so that you have the choice to approach things differently.

The professional guides that your GP uses, such as SIGN and NICE, recommend the talking therapies as an alternative, or complement, to medication for various emotional and psychological issues.

Here are some examples of things that people bring to a counsellor or psychotherapist:

  • 'When things change all the time, at work or at home, it makes me feel very anxious and that I can't cope anymore'
  • 'I can't understand why I feel so bad about my friend going away'
  • 'I feel like I do not deserve to have anything better'
  • 'Why do I always get into difficult relationships?'
  • 'We used to get on so well; now we fight all the time'
  • 'I feel trapped in the way that I do things - I feel so low'
  • 'I can't get over what happened to me - it's ruining my life'
  • 'I feel like there is no sense to my life'

Some people want to deal with very specific issues, which become the focus of the sessions, whilst others have various issues they want to deal with, or they may not be sure of what really troubles them and they want the opportunity to find out. Other people simply want to find out more about themselves so that they can approach the future with greater self awareness and choice.

To book an initial appointment for talking therapy, please contact Rowan.

Rowan Consultancy, 121 Burghmuir Road, Perth, PH1 1JFN. +44(0)1738 562005